Friday, July 20, 2007

Update on the District

At our July 18 meeting, the District 7770 Assistant Governor–our own Mary Scarborough–gave a presentation on the District 7770 strategic plan. As she said at the outset, “The most important thing about a strategic plan is that you have one, and that everyone knows what it is.” Among the key goals for the district plan Mary set out:

–Increase membership by about 11% to 5000 by 2011;

–Increase giving to the Rotary Foundation by 10%;

–At least one Paul Harris Fellow at each club;

–Participation by all clubs at District Conferences, and greater participation from each club at all district events;

–Increased participation in the Rotary leadership training program, so more people will be skilled and knowledgeable in Rotary leadership;

–Increase the grant writing activity throughout the district; and
-Submit names for Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships;

Although our club is smaller and younger than some, we’re doing our part to meet all of these goals. Mary encouraged us all to be on the lookout for ambassadorial scholarship candidates. If we put a name forward, we really need to work with this young person to make sure they pass all of the interviews.

Do you know of a young person you’d want to nominate? Let Bill or Mary know.


President Bill announced the results of the last board meeting. Rotary International has asked each club to vote to rescind a feature of the new by-laws which they realized was unworkable. The motion carried without dissent.

John Till has requested a withdrawal from the club. He sent a nice letter explaining his reasons–family and work obligations–and thanking the club for the fellowship and friendship he found here.

Also, Treasurer Frank repeated his call for all members to please, please pay their dues, and don’t be shy about contributing to the Rotary Foundation. Remember, this is OUR charity.

Lee Kuck catered for the second week, and breakfast was even better than the first week!
Happy Birthday to Mary C. (Satuday, 7/21).

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