Friday, July 20, 2007

Habitat Update at our July 11h Meeting

With our meeting place temporarily moved to the Carolina Room of the Cinema, Jamie Bozardt of Edisto Habitat for Humanity stopped by our meeting on Wednesday, July 11 to update us on her work and the work of the local Habitat for Humanity chapter. At present, Habitat is building a home in Cope, but when that project is completed, there are three more lined up for Orangeburg, near some other homes Habitat has built. “We don’t just build homes,” she stressed, “we build neighborhoods.”

Ms. Bozardt attributed the remarkable success of the local Habitat efforts in part to the rigorous screening process their clients go through. They will work with clients who have imperfect credit histories, but they help to clean those records up before breaking ground. Once they accept a partner, they work hard to structure payments that are affordable; payments can be as low as $250 a month. As a result, of the 40 homes that Habitat has built, only 2 have resulted in foreclosures.

Not only do clients have to show an income and a credit history, but a willingness to work on building their own home. “We require a certain amount of sweat equity from our partner families.” Sweat equity hours include attending budgeting and home-owner classes, and helping to build not only their own home but the homes of other families. “We’re hoping to build a pride of ownership and community.”

Bozardt stressed that they are always looking for volunteers who can commit their saturdays to building a home, but even those who can’t can help out by donating to the Habitat Home Store. “If you have any gently used furniture or major appliances from when you renovate your kitchen, please give us a call.”

President Bill Carter noted that our club gave $2000 last year to Edisto Habitat for Humanity, money well spent.

Ms. Bozardt ended with a locally produced DVD of Partner Families in the Orangeburg area showing off their new homes, gleaming with the glow of new home ownership, and thanking Habitat for the hand up.


Thanks to Lee Kuck for agreeing to cater. Breakfast was delicious!

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