Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Healing Species

At our July 23rd meeting, Lincoln, a white Lab, brought his friend Megan Mitchum to a meeting to talk about Healing Species;--how an abused dog later named Gravy and Cheri Brown Thompson together began an organization that would touch hearts around the country and around the world. Using dogs who have been abused and rehabilitated to health, Healing Species takes lessons of the heart to schools and Department of Juvenile Justice homes, in a curriculum they have shown decreases violence and increases attention and compliance among the students they serve. As they say on their website (,

Rescued dogs - dogs nobody else wanted - assist us in teaching children life-lessons in respect for the feelings of others. The dog is a living example of overcoming one's past, and returning nonviolent responses.

Also, President Ann and Secretary Penny told us about the July 21st board meeting. Among the decisions the board made is to hold off on RIDDE for a bit while the program is revamped. In the meantime, they discussed beginning a Rotary Reader program, in which Rotarians go into classrooms and read and discuss readings with students. Dennis Shay and Ron Lawson have been asked to head up our clubs participation in a Habitat for Humanity project, possibly in Santee, possibly in Orangeburg. Ann is also looking into ways of raising 3000 for Polio plus, possibly by organizing a Golf tournament with the help of other local clubs.

Don't miss the chance to stand and applaud the District Governor's presentation next week, July 30.

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