6/13/07 Club Assmembly
President Bill Carter Lays Out Agenda for the Year Ahead:
"More Members. More Rotarians."
At our club assembly meeting June 13, 2007, Bill Carter, the incoming president of Orangeburg Morning Rotary laid out his agenda for the year ahead. On the membership front, he declared the goal to increase membership by at least one before June 2008. "This won't be easy. We already know that some members are moving away. We'll have to replace them and then bring in more."More importantly, Bill stressed the need for members to become Rotarians. "As we say when we swear them in: "I can make you a member today, but only you can make yourself a Rotarian". This starts with attendance at meetings. "My goal for myself is 100% attendance". I can't make every meeting, but I can do make-ups when I miss a meeting." He pointed out that at 60 minutes, our meetings are shorter than many Rotary meetings. "If we all come in at 7:45, there's not much time to socialize and meet, and we have to have time to meet. I know we can't always be here early, but if you can, please be on time (7:30). "But it's more than attendance, Rotarians give their time and money. "Can we all participate in at lease three Rotary events outside of meetings?" he asked the club. And Rotarians need to support the foundation. The goal of "Every Rotarian Every Year" means that each member donates $100.00 each year to the Annual Fund (Paul Harris). But the lesser goal of 100% participation means that we all donate something. "–And get our dues paid on time, right? "Key to the success of the year ahead will be successful implementation of the new by-laws, which were passed out at the meeting and will be voted on in the last meeting in June. Among many other details, the new by-laws lay out the functioning of the committees. For the year ahead, the Foundation Committee will be chaired by Catie McClain, the Administration committee by Howard Hill, the Service Projects committee by Labrena Aiken-Furtick, the Membership committee by Sam Reid, and the Public Relations Committee by Alicia Smith. Bill indicated that the chairs had each been issued a set of guidelines. Very few members of the club raised a hand when asked who had visited the club website, and only a scattering of those hands remained raised when he asked who had updated their profiles for the club's on-line directory. "This is a task we can all tackle in June. Let's update our profiles."